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Thursday, 12 Apr 2018
Patagonia: Using Business as a Tool for Change - Patagonia Team
4:00 PM – Dolezal Auditorium, 127 Curtiss Hall - Patagonia is a maker of high-performance outerwear whose mission to protect and preserve the environment is at the core of its business operations. Three members of the company’s product development team have been selected as Guest Designers for The Fashion Show 2018 and will speak on the company’s history and business practices, including the challenges of using sustainable materials in apparel manufacturing. Rebecca Green Shank has worked in research and development at Patagonia for 30 years, and in her current position as Product Developer for Men’s and Women’s Sportswear she travels frequently to the company's international factories. She will be joined by fit specialist Kena Gonzalez Todd, who’s been with Patagonia for 22 years, and product designer Sarah Darnell.
Wednesday, 11 Apr 2018
Is Democracy Dying? - John Whyte
7:00 PM – Alliant Energy-Lee Liu Auditorium, Howe Hall - John Whyte, former director of Constitutional Law for the Government of Saskatchewan, will discuss the many challenges democracy faces today, including novel personalities, unequal distribution, poor manners, deep ethnic and social divisions, changes in communications systems and shifts in legal and political morals. Whyte’s distinguished career includes nearly thirty years on the Faculty of Law at Queen’s University, service as Saskatchewan’s Deputy Minister of Justice and Deputy Attorney-General, and participation in constitutional reform processes in the Republic of Georgia, Nepal, and Vietnam. He has appeared before the Supreme Court of Canada in a number of constitutional cases.
First Amendment Days
Damned Lies and Statistics - Joel Best
6:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Joel E. Best is a sociologist and the author of twenty books, including Damned Lies and Statistics, More Damned Lies and Statistics, and Stat-Spotting, all of which taught readers how to become critical consumers of quantitative information and debunked the use of statistical claims. His two most recent books, The Stupidity Epidemic and Everyone's a Winner, have respectively examined warnings about education and school quality and the proliferation of awards and honors in contemporary America. Joel Best is a professor of sociology and criminal justice at the University of Delaware. Graduate & Professional Student Research Conference Keynote
Internet of Food - Matthew Lange
4:00 PM – 2432 Food Sciences Building - Matthew Lange is a professional food and health informatician and research scientist at the University of California, Davis. Lange’s research program is helping to define and shape a new scientific discipline known as Food Informatics, while simultaneously enabling the engineering of a computable infrastructure for the Internet of Food, a platform with the objective of advancing the fields of Food Systems, Food, and Health Informatics. 2017-18 Helen LeBaron Hilton Endowed Chair Lecture Series
Tuesday, 10 Apr 2018
The Need for Racial Diversity in Donor-Matching Registries - Documentary & Discussion
8:00 PM – Gallery, Memorial Union - Join us for a screening of the documentary film Mixed Match, which chronicles the hardships and obstacles individuals of mixed race face when searching for a bone marrow donation. Bone marrow donations are used to cure bone and blood cancers and a multitude of other disorders from leukemia to sickle cell anemia. Unfortunately, the more ethnically unique one's genetic makeup, the more difficult it is to find a donor match. This 96-minute film explores the intersection of multiracial identities and medicine and the need to increase and diversify registrations to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Be the Match on Campus members Zoe Lambert, Billy Marshall and Edan Lambert will introduce the film and lead the post-film Q&A. Marshall and Lambert are both bone marrow donors themselves.
Teaching Dual-Language Learners: New Science Outlines Effective Practices - Linda Espinosa
7:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Linda Espinosa is nationally recognized for her work to establish effective educational services for children who are acquiring English as a second language. She will discuss how new science on the brain and language development has implications for improving instruction for young dual-language learners. Espinosa has worked extensively with low-income Hispanic/Latino children and families throughout the state of California as a school administrator and program director. She is a Professor Emeritus of Early Childhood Education at the University of Missouri, Columbia. The 2018 Barbara E. (Mound) Hansen Lecture in Early Childhood Education
Monday, 9 Apr 2018
Ritual Time: Escaping the Cult of Busy - Kimberly Belcher
8:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Kimberly Belcher, assistant professor of liturgical studies at the University of Notre Dame, will discuss ritual practice as a way of creating contemplative and healing time that buffers us from a culture that demands we overproduce. Ritual time - not just down time but scheduled time to rest, rethink, and even get bored - has taken on an unexpected importance in the contemporary world. Anxieties about employment and success can lead us into a spiral of productivity, stealing our joy in the pursuit of a well-rounded resume. Learn how ancient spiritual practices like annual festivals, fasting, daily routines, and contemplation can nourish a sense that there is "just enough" time to live. Msgr. James A. Supple Lecture Series
The Alchemy of Creativity - Chip Sullivan
6:00 PM – South Ballroom, Memorial Union - Chip Sullivan is a landscape architect, artist, draftsman, and professor at the University of California, Berkley, whose work is devoted to exploring place and promoting landscape architecture as an art form. He has published several books on the creative process of sketching and drawing, including Cartooning the Landscape, The Impulse to Draw, and Drawing the Landscape, a popular treatise on drawing and the creative process. His graphic work illustrating the balance between humans and nature has been exhibited in galleries throughout the world, and his site-specific environmental installations are designed to heighten the observer’s perception and insight of landscape.
Thursday, 5 Apr 2018
Bad Feminist - Roxane Gay
8:00 PM – Great Hall, Memorial Union - Doors open at 7:15. Enter through West Lobby/Sun Room
Roxane Gay is an author and cultural critic whose collection of essays Bad Feminist is considered the quintessential exploration of modern feminism. In her most recent book, Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body, Gay reflects on her struggles with weight, trauma, and self-image. Her other books include the novel An Untamed State and a collection of short stories, Difficult Women. She recently became the first black woman to ever write for Marvel, with the comic series World of Wakanda. Part of the National Affairs Series and Pearl Hogrefe Visiting Writer Series
The Doctrine of Creation and the Exhilaration of Science: A Different Approach - Craig Bartholomew
6:30 PM – 2019 Morrill Hall - Craig Bartholomew is Director of the Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics and Senior Research Fellow at Tyndale House in Cambridge, UK. Bartholomew is also the H. Evan Runner Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University College in Ontario, Canada, and earned his doctorate through Bristol University. He was ordained in the Church of England in South Africa in 1986. He is the author of multiple books, most recently Beyond the Modern Age: An Archeology of Contemporary Culture, co-authored with the Dutch economist Bob Goudzwaard.