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Wednesday, 24 Apr 2019
But Is She 'Likable?' Gendered Media Coverage of Women Presidential Candidates - Dianne Bystrom
7:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Dianne Bystrom is director emerita of the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics at Iowa State University. She directed the center for 22 years before retiring in August 2018. Bystrom will discuss the how the media has covered women running for office differently than men, and what that might mean for the 2020 presidential election, for which there is an unprecedented number of women candidates. Bystrom has edited or contributed to a number of publications on the topic, including Women in the American Political System: An Encyclopedia of Women as Voters, Candidates, and Office Holders; An Unprecedented Election: Media, Communication, and the Electorate in the 2016 Campaign; and Gender and Elections.
Tuesday, 23 Apr 2019
Generative Design in the Architecture of Medieval Chinese Buddhism
8:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Tracy Miller is an associate professor in the College of Arts and Sciences at Vanderbilt University, where she teaches the history of arts and architecture in Asia, with a special emphasis on the ritual and garden architecture of Imperial China and Japan. Her research focuses on the impact of belief in divinity on the production of art, architecture, and spaces for spiritual encounters. She is the author of The Divine Nature of Power: Chinese Ritual Architecture at the Sacred Site of Jinci and is currently writing a book on the use of Indic design strategies in the Buddhist temple architecture of Early Medieval and Medieval China. Donald R. Benson Memorial Lecture
The Donald B. Benson Memorial honors Donald Benson, a former Iowa State English professor, who had longterm interest in the relationship among the three intellectual disciplines of literal, science, and the arts.
Cosponsored by:
Center for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities
Committee on Lectures (funded by Student Government)
Shut Up and Dance - A Musical Celebration of the First Amendment
8:00 PM – Tye Recital Hall, Music Hall - “Shut Up and Dance†is an engaging and irreverent concert celebrating free speech through music. It tells the story of America's social struggles and progress through pop, rock, gospel, soul, country, and hip-hop music and illuminates for audiences the pivotal moments when artists were told to be quiet and instead spoke up. The program includes some of Nashville's finest musicians and features contemporary songs by Beyonce, Lorde, Macklemore, and Taylor Swift alongside vintage anthems by Stevie Wonder, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, and Loretta Lynn. First Amendment Days
Empowering the Next Generation of Engineers - Ashraf Habibullah
4:00 PM – Alliant Energy-Lee Liu Auditorium, Howe Hall - Ashraf Habibullah is a structural engineer who helped develop the technology and software engineers use to design earthquake-resistant buildings and bridges. He is president of the company Computers and Structures, whose software is used by thousands of engineering firms around the world. Habibullah will discuss the future of engineering as a profession, especially the need for today’s engineering students to be exposed to more than just technology. The ability to connect with others as humans is what will ultimately allow them to lead, influence, and inspire.
Thursday, 18 Apr 2019
Building Bridges or Walls: Where Do the U.S. and Mexico Go from Here? - Vicente Fox
8:00 PM – Stephens Auditorium, Iowa State Center - Free admission | No tickets | General admission seating
Former President of Mexico Vicente Fox is a leading voice on North American trade policy and the challenges of immigration. His most recent book, Let's Move On: Beyond Fear & False Prophets, takes aim at the current state of American politics, and is a call to unity and resistance in the face of rising ethnocentric and anti-democratic sentiments. Vicente Fox is credited with playing a vital role in Mexico’s democratization and strengthening the country’s economy during his time as president from 2000 to 2006. A businessman-turned-politician, Fox worked his way up within the Mexican unit of the Coca-Cola Company and was head of its Latin American operations prior to his election as governor of the Mexican state of Guanajuato.
Part of the World Affairs Series: The U.S. Role Abroad and the National Affairs Series: Building a Better Democracy
Wednesday, 17 Apr 2019
*CANCELED* Renewing Reciprocity: Indigenous Food Systems and the Honorable Harvest - Robin Wall Kimmerer
7:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - This event has been canceled due to complications with the speaker's travel. The poster session is being rescheduled.
Robin Wall Kimmerer is a plant scientist, writer, professor, mother and enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. She is the author of two award-winning books, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants and Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses. Sustainable Agriculture Symposium Keynote
Tuesday, 16 Apr 2019
Understanding Second Language Speakers: What REALLY Matters? - Tracey Derwing
7:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Tracey Derwing is a Professor Emeritus of TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta. She has extensively researched second language fluency and pronunciation, especially the relationships among intelligibility, comprehensibility, and accent. She will discuss what research tells us both the second language speaker and the native listener can do to improve their mutual communication. Derwing is presently an adjunct professor in linguistics at Simon Fraser University and has for eleven years served as co-director of the Prairie Metropolis Centre, a consortium of Canadian university research centers involved in immigration and integration research. Quentin Johnson Lecture in Linguistics
Monday, 15 Apr 2019
Countries of Conflict - Richard Schultz & Iowa State Students
7:00 PM – Pioneer Room - Members of the International Student Council’s Humanitarian Awareness Committee will share stories and facts about people in nations facing humanitarian crises. The nations include Palestine, Libya, Myanmar, Sudan, and Yemen. The event will kick off with a series of brief 10-minute presentations, after which attendees can view posters about the areas of crisis, ask questions, and learn about ways they can help.
Thursday, 11 Apr 2019
Vans: Empowering Youth Culture - Vans Team
7:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Since 1966, the Vans® brand has created action-focused footwear, apparel and accessories for skateboarders, surfers, BMX riders and snowboarders across the world with a goal of promoting creative expression and inspiring youth culture. The Fashion Show 2019 is proud to host Vans® as its Guest Company Designer. Members of their team will speak about the company’s culture, history, and the success of the iconic California brand. They will discuss the how the company structure and business strategies have evolved to maintain its "Off the Wall" mission. Presenters include company recruiter Katie Essex; apparel merchandiser Lynda Castillo; apparel designer James McCahon, and footwear designers Jerod Harmon and Derek Huenecke, who are both graduates of Iowa State’s industrial design program.
Fighting for Americans' Freedom to Dream - Congressman Eric Swalwell
6:00 PM – Gallery, Memorial Union - Democratic presidential candidate Eric Swalwell is serving his fourth term in Congress representing California’s North Silicon Valley 15th Congressional District. He was born in Iowa and spent his early years in Algona, where his father was the police chief, before the family relocated. Swalwell served as a county prosecutor and a city councilman before winning his House seat in 2012 by defeating a 40-year incumbent. As founder and chairman emeritus of Future Forum, he has been the House Democrats’ point person on outreach to millennials. He serves on the Judiciary and House Intelligence Committees and co-chairs the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee. Statements about key issues, including health care, education, and gun violence prevention are available at
Part of the Campaign Series in 2019, providing the university community with opportunities to question candidates before the Iowa Caucuses.