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Monday, 28 Sep 2015
100 Voices Leading for Change - Onalie Ariyabandhu
8:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Iowa State graduate Onalie Ariyabandhu is a Social Change Entrepreneur of United Nations Population Fund in her home country, Sri Lanka. She will discuss its new "100 Voices Leading for Change" social change initiative aimed at mobilizing national youth networks to combat gender-based violence in Sri Lanka. Ariyabandhu earned her BSc. in economics, international studies and environmental studies from Iowa State, where she was president of the International Student Council. She and her family survived the horrific tsunami that hit Sri Lanka in 2004. She later wrote an award-winning essay about the experience.
Thursday, 24 Sep 2015
Student Debt Forum - Documentary & Discussion
7:00 PM – Great Hall, Memorial Union - A forum focused on how Iowa State students can better manage student and personal debt will follow a screening of the film Default: The Student Loan Documentary (27 min). The film, which first aired on PBS, tells the stories of students who made enormous sacrifices to better their lives through higher education and found themselves in the situation of having to make monthly loan payments that were sometimes higher than their gross income. It also examines the cost of college tuition, the power of the private lending industry, and the consequences college debt and student loan default can have for a career, home ownership, and financial independence.
Panelists include Tom Hill, Vice President for Student Affairs; Jonathan Fox, a professor of Human Development and Family Studies and director of the Student Financial Counseling Clinic; and Roberta Johnson, Director of Student Financial Aid. The discussion will be moderated by Iowa State faculty members William Carter, assistant professor of Germanic studies, and Kate Padgett Walsh, assistant professor of philosophy. Part of the Ethics of Debt Symposium.
Tuesday, 22 Sep 2015
Town Hall Meeting with Rick Santorum - Presidential Caucus Series
3:00 PM – Gallery, Memorial Union - No tickets required
Rick Santorum served his home state of Pennsylvania in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1991 to 1995, and in the U.S. Senate from 1995 to 2007. He served eight years on the Senate Armed Services Committee, where he was a leader on US-Israeli relations. He authored both the "Syria Accountability Act" and the "Iran Freedom and Support Act," which he successfully fought to pass. He took on Washington's powerful special interests as a member of the "Gang of Seven" that exposed the Congressional Banking and Congressional Post Office scandals. He was also an author and floor manager of the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 that has empowered millions of Americans to leave the welfare rolls and enter the workforce. His record made him one of the most conservative senators in Pennsylvania's history. In 2012 Rick Santorum and his wife Karen co-founded Patriot Voices, a grassroots and online community that had an impact on a number of economic, social and national security issues.
Since 1987, the Presidential Caucus Series has provided students, faculty, and community members with an opportunity to question presidential candidates or their representative before the precinct caucuses.
Monday, 21 Sep 2015
Catch Me If You Can - Frank Abagnale
8:00 PM – Great Hall, Memorial Union - Frank Abagnale, a former con artist whose crimes inspired the memoir and movie Catch Me If You Can, is one of the world's most respected authorities on forgery, embezzlement, and secure documents. Following his five-year prison term, he was released after agreeing to help the FBI as an expert on fraud, going from a successful con artist to one of the world's top authorities on fraud prevention, and discussing the latest safeguards to protect organizations from fraud, identity theft and other cybercrimes. His security programs are used by more than 14,000 institutions worldwide. Greater Iowa Credit Union Business Lecture Series
Sunday, 20 Sep 2015
Haze - Documentary & Discussion
8:00 PM – Great Hall, Memorial Union - The documentary Haze examines college drinking culture in America, including the 2004 death of college freshman Gordie Bailey following a fraternity hazing incident at the University of Colorado. The film sheds light on the severity of college binge drinking and hazing through graphic images filmed at campus parties, during emergency medical calls, and from police files.
A discussion will immediately follow the 36-minute film. Participants include Kenyatta Shamburger, Assistant Dean of Students and director of Multicultural Student Affairs; Natasha Croom, an assistant professor in the School of Education; Bobby Dennis, the Male-Outreach & Prevention Coordinator with the ACCESS Assault Care Center; and Joe Campos, assistant director of the Office of Student Conduct.
Thursday, 17 Sep 2015
Science in an Age of Doubters & Deniers - Carl Zimmer
8:00 PM – Great Hall, Memorial Union - Carl Zimmer reports from the frontiers of biology where scientists are expanding our understanding of life. In addition to his column for the New York Times, he is the author of twelve books about science: Soul Made Flesh, a history of neuroscience; Evolution: The Triumph of an Idea; At the Water's Edge, a book about major transitions in the history of life; The Smithsonian Intimate Guide to Human Origins; Parasite Rex; Microcosm: E. coli and the New Science of Life; Science Ink: Tattoos of the Science Obsessed; A Planet of Viruses; and The Tangled Bank: An Introduction to Evolution, the first textbook about evolution intended for non-majors. He also coauthored Evolution: Making Sense of Life, a book for biology majors. National Affairs Series: When American Values Are In Conflict.
The Path to Discovery - Ron Phillips
4:10 PM – 1001 Troxel Hall - Ron Phillips, Regents Professor Emeritus and former McKnight Presidential Chair in Genomics, University of Minnesota. A member of the National Academy of Sciences, Phillips is widely regarded as one of the trailblazers in agricultural biotechnology. Throughout a distinguished academic career, he has coupled the techniques of plant genetics and molecular biology to enhance our understanding of and improve cereal crops. In particular his work has been integral to the development of knowledge of the corn genome. His many honors and awards include the Wolf Prize in Agriculture in 2007 and the Medal for Science in 2010. Part of the Presidential Distinguished Seminar Series
A reception will follow in the Troxel Hall atrium, 5:00-5:30pm.
Wednesday, 16 Sep 2015
The Dating Doctor's Advice: Finding Relationships with Confidence, Happiness and Respect - David Coleman
7:00 PM – Great Hall, Memorial Union - Relationship expert David Coleman is known worldwide as The Dating Doctor. He has been speaking on college campuses for more than twenty years about the complexities of dating, relationships, romance and sex. His books Making Relationships Matter, Date Smart! and 101 Great Dates are filled with anecdotes, strategies and ideas to help expand one's relationships and potential. David Coleman has been honored numerous times as National Speaker of the Year by Campus Activities Magazine and the National Association for Campus Activities. A frequent guest on national radio and television programs, he has also been featured in such publications as Us Magazine, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and The New York Times.
The Future of Healthy Families - Ross Parke
4:00 PM – 2019 Morrill Hall - Ross Parke, professor emeritus in psychology at the University of California, Riverside, is the 2015-16 Helen LeBaron Hilton Endowed Chair in the College of Human Sciences at Iowa State. His research focuses on the development of social behavior in young children, in particular the role of fathers and the contributions fathers make to the family unit. Parke is one of the preeminent scholars in the area of mother-father differences in parenting and the role of economic hardship on families. His many books include Fatherhood; Throwaway Dads: The Myths and Barriers That Keep Men from Being the Fathers They Want to Be; and Future Families: Diverse Forms, Rich Possibilities. 2015 Helen LeBaron Hilton Endowed Chair Lecture Series
Tuesday, 15 Sep 2015
The Encyclical of Pope Francis on Ecology - Anne Clifford
7:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Anne Clifford, Msgr. James A. Supple Chair in Catholic Studies at Iowa State, will examine Pope Francis's encyclical letter on ecology in anticipation of his visit to the United States. Attention will be given to the question Pope Francis poses to "all people about our common home": "What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us?" Anne Clifford earned a Ph.D. from the School of Religious Studies at the Catholic University of America and has held faculty positions at Duquesne University and John Carroll University. She is a past-president of the College Theology Society. Msgr. James A. Supple Lecture Series