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Monday, 25 Jan 2016

Town Hall Meeting with Bernie Sanders - Presidential Caucus Series
12:00 PM – Stephens Auditorium, Iowa State Center - Doors open at 11:00am - No tickets required - General admission seating Bernie Sanders is serving his second term as a U.S. Senator from Vermont. He was elected to the Senate in 2006 after serving sixteen years as Vermont's sole congressman in the House of Representatives and, prior to that, mayor of Burlington. A Democrat as of 2015, he had been the longest-serving independent in U.S. Congressional history. Sanders has been a leading progressive voice on issues such as income inequality, universal healthcare, climate change and campaign finance reform. He was chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs and in 2015 was tapped by Democratic leadership to serve as the caucus' ranking member on the Senate Budget Committee. Since 1987, the Presidential Caucus Series has provided students, faculty, and community members with an opportunity to question presidential candidates or their representative before the precinct caucuses.

Thursday, 21 Jan 2016

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Legacy Convocation - The Fierce Urgency of Now | Alisha Gordon
3:30 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and learn how his global vision of equality for everyone remains relevant today. This year's program features Alisha L. Gordon, a writer, teacher, and scholar-activist whose work explores the intersection of faith and culture through conversations about race, popular culture, and spirituality. Gordon earned a Masters in Divinity from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University with a focus in religious education. Gordon's commitment to social justice has led her to work with marginalized communities both globally and in the United States. She writes frequently for digital and print publications such as The Huffington Post and The Advancing One Community Awards will also be presented. Part of the Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Series.

Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016

On the Front Lines of the U.S. Fight against Child Abuse, Human Trafficking and Sexual Assault - Luis CdeBaca
8:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Luis CdeBaca leads the Department of Justice Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering and Tracking (SMART) and has worked under three presidential administrations to combat human trafficking and modern-day forms of slavery. For five years he served as Ambassador to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons in the State Department. Prior to that he was Counsel to the House Committee on the Judiciary, where his portfolio included national security, intelligence, immigration, and civil rights. Luis CdeBaca is a graduate of Iowa State University and received his law degree from the Michigan Law School. World Affairs Series: Redefining Global Security.

Monday, 18 Jan 2016

Ames Community Celebration in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
5:30 PM – Ames Middle School, 3915 Mortensen Road - Celebrate with song, story and birthday cake. An Ames tradition! After sharing birthday cake, the program begins at 6:30 pm.

Wednesday, 13 Jan 2016

Let Freedom Ring - Carillon Concert
11:50 AM – Central Campus - A carillon concert in honor of Dr. King. Tin-Shi Tam, carilloneur. Part of the Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Series

Thursday, 3 Dec 2015

Saving Biodiversity in Southeast Asia - David Wilcove
8:00 PM – Great Hall, Memorial Union - David Wilcove is a conservation biologist whose work combines research in ecology and the social sciences to develop innovative ways to protect biodiversity in Asia, South America, and North America. His work has addressed such issues as deforestation, commercial logging, agriculture, and the wild animal trade. Wilcove's distinguished career in conservation demonstrates the active interface between the non-profit sector, government agencies, academia, and society-at-large. He has worked as an ecologist for the Environmental Defense Fund, The Wilderness Society and The Nature Conservancy and is currently Professor of Public Affairs and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University. Wilcove is the author of two books, No Way Home: The Decline of the World's Great Animal Migrations and The Condor's Shadow: The Loss and Recovery of Wildlife in America. Paul L. Errington Memorial Lecture

Wednesday, 2 Dec 2015

Smart is the New Rich: Money Guide for Millennials - Christine Romans
6:00 PM – Alliant Energy-Lee Liu Auditorium, Howe Hall - Christine Romans is CNN's chief business correspondent and a graduate of Iowa State. She anchors the weekday show Early Start on CNN. Romans joined the network in 1999, covering the opening bell at the New York Stock exchange, then anchoring Street Sweep on CNNfn. Before that, she covered markets, commodities and the economy for Reuters and Knight-Ridder Financial News. Romans is the author of three books: How to Speak Money and Smart Is the New Rich: If You Can't Afford It, Put It Down and, most recently, Smart Is the New Rich: Money Guide for Millennials. Part of the Technology, Globalization & Culture Series.

Tuesday, 1 Dec 2015

Blood Brother - World AIDS Awareness Week Documentary
7:00 PM – South Ballroom, Memorial Union - Blood Brother is a documentary feature that tells the story of Rocky Braat, a disillusioned college student whose impromptu trip to India one summer dramatically changed his understanding of love and family. While traveling, Rocky met a group of orphaned children at an AIDS hostel. Unlike others who had simply passed through these children's lives, Rocky did not abandon them. Instead, he moved to India to restart his life among the dispossessed. The children became his family, and he theirs, and for five years Rocky has dedicated himself to their health and wellbeing. Blood Brother is directed by Rocky's best friend, Steve Hoover. It won the 2013 Sundance Grand Jury Prize and Audience Award. 92 minutes. World AIDS Awareness Week Event

Monday, 30 Nov 2015

Health-Related Habits . . . Scientifically Speaking - Alison Phillips
8:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Alison Phillips is an assistant professor of psychology at Iowa State and directs the Healthy Habits Lab. She will discuss how we define, develop, and measure habits, particularly health-related habits like medication adherence and regular exercise. She will also discuss consumer habits, such as brand loyalty, and risky habits, such as smoking or gambling. Phillips earned her PhD in social psychology from Rutgers University and was an assistant professor at George Washington University before joining the faculty at Iowa State. She studies doctor-patient communication, patients' perceptions of chronic illness, patient self-management of chronic illness, and healthy habit development. College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Dean's Lecture Series

Town Hall Meeting with John Kasich - Presidential Caucus Series
1:00 PM – Campanile Room, Memorial Union - No tickets required John Kasich is governor of Ohio and served nine terms in the U.S. House of Representatives, 1983- 2001. Since first being elected governor in 2011, Kasich has closed an $8 billion budget shortfall without a tax increase and made Ohio one of the top job-creating states in the nation. He served six years as chair of the Budget Committee in Congress and led the effort to balance the federal budget for the first time in a generation. He also served eighteen years on the House Armed Services Committee, where he was a strong ally of President Reagan and his national security agenda. Governor Kasich has also had a successful career as an investment banker, New York Times best-selling author and at FOX News. Since 1987, the Presidential Caucus Series has provided students, faculty, and community members with an opportunity to question presidential candidates or their representative before the precinct caucuses.