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Saturday, 30 Nov 1968

Grass Roots Participation in Nation Building - Gershon Collier
12:00 PM – -- - Lierra Leone, visiting professor, New York University Center for International Studies. From the University Lectures Program archive.

Tuesday, 7 May 1968

The Writer of Music - Ernst Bacon
12:00 PM – -- - American composer, conductor, and author. From the University Lectures Program archive.

Monday, 6 May 1968

The Musician in America Today - Ernst Bacon
12:00 PM – -- - American composer, conductor, and author. From the University Lectures Program archive.

Wednesday, 24 Apr 1968

The Present Status of Psychedelic Drugs - Dr. Ralph Metzner
12:00 PM – -- - Mendocino State Hospital, California. From the University Lectures Program archive. Institute on Drugs

Tuesday, 23 Apr 1968

The Medical Aspects of Drug Use - Dr. Duke Fisher
12:00 PM – -- - Neuropsychiatric, Institute at UCLA. From the University Lectures Program archives. Institute on Drugs

Monday, 22 Apr 1968

The Social and Ethical Effects of the Use of Drugs - John M. Swomley
12:00 PM – -- - Professor of Christian Ethics at the St. Paul School of Theology, Kansas City. From the University Lectures Program archives. Institute on Drugs

Saturday, 20 Apr 1968

Enemies of the Permanent Things - Russell Kirk
12:00 PM – -- - Author of The Conservative Mind. From the University Lectures Program archives.

The Church Struggle with Extremism - Franklin H. Littell
12:00 PM – -- - President, Iowa Wesleyan College. From the University Lectures Program archives.

Friday, 19 Apr 1968

Need: An Immediate Compassionate Revolution - Robert Theobald
12:00 PM – -- - Consultant, lecturer, and writer. From the University Lectures Program archives.

Reflection of Civil Disobedience - Ernest Van Den Haag
12:00 PM – -- - Conservative, Professor of Social Philosophy, New York University, and lecturer in psychology, the New School for Social Research. From the University Lectures Program archives.