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Wednesday, 16 Jan 1974

Panel: Sport in the Secondary School
3:00 PM – Pioneer Room, Memorial Union - Remember the student pep rallies, the bleachers filled with screaming parents and the impassioned locker room speeches? Then come and explore the complex world of high school athletics with four in the field experts. Panel members include Louis Alley, Head of the University of Iowa Men's Physical Education Department, Joel Spring, Associate Professor of Education at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, Larry Burkhart, Past-president of the Ames School board and Jim Williams, football coach at Dowling High School in West Des Moines. Part of the National Affairs Series

Athletics: The Double Edged Sword in Education - Louis E. Alley
1:00 PM – Pioneer Room, Memorial Union - Lou Alley, professor and Head of the Department of Physical education for men at the University of Iowa, will explore the pros and cons of sport and its effect on education. Part of the National Affairs Series: Playground to the Pros - Sports in American Society.

Film: Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
11:00 AM – Pioneer Room, Memorial Union - The isolation of a runner's training regimen is the metaphor for his existence. Part of the National Affairs Series

Tuesday, 15 Jan 1974

A George Gund Lecture - Heywood Hale Broun
8:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Heywood Hale Broun, noted sports writer and CBS news commentator, is a firm believer that "sports do not build character."In the course of his coverage of US sports spectacles, Broun reported the 1972 Olympics and the slaughter in Munich. Part of the National Affairs Series: Playground to the Pros - Sports in American Society.

Panel: The Media and Sport
3:00 PM – Pioneer Room, Memorial Union - Do the media reflect the true image of American athletes? Panel members include Leighton Housh, Sports Editor of the Des Moines Register, Don Smith, a Seattle, Washington journalist, and Tom Meschery from the University of Iowa Writer's Workshop. Journalism professor Ed Blinn will moderate. Part of the National Affairs Series

The Sports Writer - Don Smith
1:00 PM – Pioneer Room, Memorial Union - Don Smith is a sports writer for a Seattle daily. A graduate of Iowa State University, Smith is also the former sports editor of the Ames Daily Tribune. Part of the National Affairs Series: Playground to the Pros - Sports in American Society.

Film: The Endless Summer
10:00 AM – Pioneer Room, Memorial Union - "A dazzling ode to sun sand, and surf." -Times Magazine

Monday, 14 Jan 1974

The Athletic Revolution - Jack Scott
8:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Four coaches resigned when Jack Scott became Athletic Director of Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. Scott, a former football and track jock, now aims to democratize sports. He has gained his radical reputation by giving his players veto power over selection of coaches, establishment of their own training rules, and abolishment of all admission prices to Oberlin sports events. Scott also banned a hair length rule and encouraged women's participation in sports. In addition to founding the Institute for the Study of Sport and Society in Oakland California, he has written articles on the problems of black athletes, and worked on the 1968 Olympic Project for Human Rights. Part of the National Affairs Series: Playground to the Pros - Sports in American Society.

Women in the World of Sports, Where Do We Go from Here, Boys? - Katherine Ley
3:00 PM – Pioneer Room, Memorial Union - Katherine Ley, President-elect of the American Association of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, will explore the implication of some new legislation: Title IX of the Educational Opportunities Act. Part of the National Affairs Series: Playground to the Pros - Sports in American Society.

The Image of the Athlete - Tom Meschery
1:00 PM – Pioneer Room, Memorial Union - What motivates a man to go from NBA stardom to become a poet? Students hearing Tom Meschery will receive an indication, as the former All-Pro NBA player and coach of the ABA's Carolina cougars, now with the University of Iowa Writer's Workshop, discusses the athlete's image. Part of the National Affairs Series: Playground to the Pros - Sports in American Society.