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Wednesday, 4 Apr 2018
Is Your Data Safe? Corruption, Money Laundering, and the Malicious Side of Data - Eric William Davis R.
8:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Eric William Davis R. will discuss the challenges of protecting the integrity of data collection, analytics, and machine learning in our data-driven world. He is an assistant professor of computer science at Iowa State and the director of the Trustworthy Data Engineering Laboratory. He will share examples from such partners as the World Bank and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in which data collection or the analytics process was intentionally manipulated to avoid regulatory oversite, sanctions, or investigation. The TRUST Lab is leading important research on cybersecurity counter measures to this increasingly common threat of data tampering. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean’s Lecture Series
What Is Possible? Advancing Agriculture through AGvocacy, Partnerships, and Collaboration - Amy Asmus
7:00 PM – Dolezal Auditorium, 127 Curtiss Hall - Amy Asmus, vice president of the family-owned chemical supply company Asmus Farm Supply, took an unlikely path to agriculture. The Iowa State grad didn’t grow up on a farm, and she didn’t get a degree related to the farming industry. She joined her husband, Harlan, in running the Asmus family business and became a Certified Crop Advisor as an introduction to the work. Amy Asmus is now a leader in the field, sitting on the Board of Directors at the Agricultural Retailers Association and on the executive committee of the International Certified Crop Adviser board. She is also involved as a partner in SecureTracs, a business helping retailers comply with tank-tracking requirements, and is actively involved with Iowa State University Extension’s "Into the Field" initiative. Carl and Marjory Hertz Lecture on Emerging Issues in Agriculture
Monday, 2 Apr 2018
Using Technology to Help Refugees - Derek Smith
8:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Derek Smith is a caseworker at the International Rescue Committee in Dallas, Texas, who developed a multilingual, community-sourced app for helping refugees once they have arrived in the United States. The app helps refugees connect with hospitals, schools, ethnic stores, banking and more in their native languages, and is currently available in English, Arabic, Farsi, Kinyarwanda and Kiswahili. Smith will talk about his experience working with refugees in Dallas, why he does this kind of work, and discuss his app, the Collective for Refugees and Immigrants, and the process of creating it.
Sister Survivors: The Gymnasts Who Spoke Out against Abuse - Documentary and Panel Discussion
6:00 PM – Great Hall, Memorial Union - Join us for a screening of the ABC 20/20 special "Sister Survivors," featuring interviews with the female athletes who broke their silence about the sexual abuse scandal surrounding Larry Nassar. A group of survivors detail the abuse that spanned more than two decades and went unaddressed. A panel discussion focusing on higher education and accountability will immediately follow the 40-minute documentary. Part of Green Dot Action Week 2018
Panelists include Patrice Ayeni, Senior Associate Athletics Director for Student Services; Thielen Student Health Center physician Dr. James Bice; Margo Foreman, Assistant Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion and Equal Opportunity; Chief Michael Newton, Assistant Vice President for University Services; Holly Roepke, Assistant Athletic Director and Coordinator for Diversity and Inclusion at Grinnell College; and Jennifer Jacobson, Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Wellness and Prevention at Grinnell College.
Link to more information about Green Dot Action Week 2018
Sunday, 1 Apr 2018
Forum on Justice Reform - Gubernatorial Candidates
3:00 PM – Dolezal Auditorium, 127 Curtiss Hall - Candidates vying for Iowa Governor will participate in a campus forum. Confirmed candidates include Libertarians Marco Battaglia and Jake Porter. Iowa State student Lance Leski will moderate.
Wednesday, 28 Mar 2018
Food Security and Environmental Justice - Winona LaDuke
7:00 PM – Great Hall, Memorial Union - Winona LaDuke (Anishinaabe) is founder and codirector of Honor the Earth, a national advocacy group encouraging public support and funding for Native environmental groups, working nationally and internationally on climate change, renewable energy, sustainable food systems and environmental justice. A graduate of Harvard and Antioch Universities with advanced degrees in rural economic development, LaDuke has devoted her life to protecting the lands and life ways of Native communities. In her own community in northern Minnesota, she is the founder of the White Earth Land Recovery Project, one of the largest reservation based non-profit organizations in the country, and a leader on culturally-based sustainable development strategies. The 2018 Richard Thompson Memorial Lecture
Food Waste - Christine Moseley
4:00 PM – 2432 Food Sciences Building - Christine Moseley is the founder of Full Harvest, the first business-to-business marketplace for ugly and surplus produce. Moseley will discuss the online marketplace connecting farms with food and beverage companies to buy and sell surplus and imperfect produce. 2017-18 Helen LeBaron Hilton Endowed Chair Lecture Series
Monday, 26 Mar 2018
#MeToo - Tarana Burke
8:00 PM – Stephens Auditorium, Iowa State Center - No tickets | General admission seating
Tarana Burke shares her personal story behind the "Me Too" movement and the viral #MeToo campaign that has emerged as a rallying cry for people who have experienced sexual assault or harassment. TIME Magazine collectively named Burke and the many other female activists who broke the silence on sexual assault as their 2017 Person of the Year. Although the #MeToo hashtag became a sensation overnight, Burke has dedicated more than 25 years of her life to social justice and to laying the groundwork for a movement. In 2006 she founded the organization Just Be Inc. to help young women of color who had survived sexual trauma, and she is currently senior director of programs at the Brooklyn-based Girls for Gender Equity.
White Bread, Wheat Breeding and the Beauty of Place - Steve Jones
7:00 PM – Gallery, Memorial Union - Steve Jones is in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences and Director of the Bread Lab at Washington State University. His research is directed towards improving wheat varieties (and other crops) for traditional and organic systems that incorporate diverse rotations and systems for small and midsized farms. Farmer participation and expertise is utilized and encouraged in research planning and decision making. The goal of this western Washington breeding program is to ensure the long-term environmental and economic health of farming while producing a food crop that is safe and high in nutritional value. Shivvers Memorial Lecture.
Including Our Neighbors in the Land Grant Mission: Collaboration in and with Native Communities from STEM to Ag - Panel Discussion
4:00 PM – Cardinal Room, Memorial Union - Join a discussion exploring the benefits, possibilities, and potential for Iowa State to engage strategically with its Native neighbors in research and collaboration.
Jason Younker is assistant vice president and advisor to the president on sovereignty and government-to-government relations at the University of Oregon and a member of the Coquille Nation. He is the University of Oregon’s first formal governmental liaison to the nine federally recognized tribes of Oregon and dedicated to building academic, economic, social, and cultural collaborations.
Jeffrey Burnette is assistant professor of economics and director of the Native American Future Stewards Program at the Rochester Institute of Technology, where he works to maintain and build the relationship between RIT and the American Indian community.
Richard Meyers is president of the Association of Indigenous Anthropologists and a faculty member at Oglala Lakota College in South Dakota. He earned his PhD in Cultural Anthropology from Arizona State University.
Part of the American Indian Symposium