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Sunday, 19 Feb 2006

Dance and Genomes - Liz Lerman
4:00 PM – Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall, Music Building - Liz Lerman, founder and artistic director of the Liz Lerman Dance Exchange, was named a 2002 MacArthur Fellow by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. She is known for her pioneering work in choreography and community-building. A gifted teacher, choreographer and performer, her work has redefined where dance takes place and who can dance. Her commitment is both to the art of dance and to the human element in art- making. Her company includes men and women ranging in age from the 20s through the 60s, each of whom is fully immersed in all aspects of creation, performance and teaching. In towns and cities throughout the country, her workshops have inspired local people--from shipyard workers to clerics--to participate in shaping and performing new work. Part of the Center for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities series. Master Class, 1:30 p.m., 196 Forker Building

Friday, 17 Feb 2006

The Effect of Faculty of Color on Undergraduate Education - Paul Umbach
10:30 AM – Ensminger Room, 1204 Kildee Hall - Paul Umbach, Assistant Professor of Higher Education in the College of Education at the University of Iowa, will discuss research in the area.

Wednesday, 15 Feb 2006

Technology, Globalization, and Culture Series - Kevin Mathis
6:00 PM – Alliant Energy-Lee Liu Auditorium in Howe Hall - Kevin Mathis, Vice President of Operations, HON Company Since joining The HON Company in November 1994, Kevin Mathis has held the positions of plant manager, Vice President of Seating Business, and Vice President of Metal Casegoods Business. In his current position, he oversees all operations, including production, quality, procurement, logistics, continuous improvement, and customer service. Prior to joining HON, he held various manufacturing positions with Danaher Corporation, Sauer-Sundstrand, and White Consolidated Industries. He has also served on the Industrial Advisory Council for the Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Department at Iowa State University. Part of the Technology, Globalization, and Culture series.

Tuesday, 14 Feb 2006

Voices from Iraq - Kathy Kelly
8:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Kathy Kelly co-founded Voices in the Wilderness, a group which bears witness to the suffering the UN imposed sanctions have visited upon the people, especially the children, of Iraq. She has been to Iraq twenty-two times since January 1996, when the campaign began, and is the author of Other Lands Have Dreams: from Baghdad to Pekin Prison.

Technology in the Global Economy Today: Overaccumulation Crises, "Casino Capitalism," and Uneven Development - Tony Smith
6:30 PM – Alliant Energy-Lee Liu Auditorium in Howe Hall - Tony Smith has taught philosophy and political science at Iowa State University since 1980 and has been involved with the Radical Philosophers Association, Union of Radical Political Economists, Conference of Socialist Economists, and Philosophers for Social Responsibility, among others. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Iowa Policy Project, a non-profit and non-partisan organization for the production and dissemination of research on significant public policy issues in Iowa. He has written four books, including The Logic of Marx's Capital (1990) and Technology and Capital in the Age of Lean Production (2000). His research interests include a critical comparison between Marxian and competing accounts of globalization and the development of a systematic reconstruction of the globalization debate. Part of the Technology, Globalization, and Culture series.

Monday, 13 Feb 2006

What Women Really Want - Kellyanne Elizabeth Conway
8:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Kellyanne Elizabeth Conway is a conservative polster and the CEO of the polling company, inc. She is the coauthor of What Women Really Want : How American Women Are Quietly Erasing Political, Racial, Class, and Religious Lines to Change the Way We Live. She was awarded the Washington Post's Crystal Ball for being the most accurate predictor of the 2004 elections, and has provided commentary for hundreds of television shows on ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, and the Fox News Channel. Part of the National Affairs Series.

Thursday, 9 Feb 2006

Qi--The flowing energy of Life: Abstract and Realistic Marble Sculptures - Paul Shao
7:00 PM – Hughes Auditorium, Reiman Gardens - Paul Shao explains the interrelatedness of two types of his sculptures, the central theme of which being the flux of the life force in eternal change and transformation. He is a Professor of Architecture at ISU.

Are We Doing Enough? Food Safety and Biosecurity Issues
7:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - James Dickson is with the Institute for Food Safety and Food Security and Animal Science Department at ISU, and past president of the International Association for Food Protection. Charles Hurburgh is Professor-in-Charge of the Iowa Grain Quality Initiative, Grain Quality Laboratory, and professor in the Departments of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering and Food Science and Human Nutrition at ISU.

Wednesday, 8 Feb 2006

Defining Values in American Politics - Thomas Frank
8:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Thomas Frank is the author of What's the Matter with Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America?, and One Market Under God. He received a doctorate in History from the University of Chicago with his dissertation, "The Conquest of Cool: Business Culture, Counterculture, and the Rise of Hip Consumerism," which became a national bestseller. He was also founding editor of The Baffler.Part of the National Affairs Series.

The Global Implications of Identity Theft - Steffen Schmidt
6:00 PM – Alliant Energy-Lee Liu Auditorium, Howe Hall - Steffen Schmidt is professor of Political Science at Iowa State University, an Associate of the Latin American Institute at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and an Affiliate of Nova Southeastern University, Oceanographic Center. He has also been "Dr. Politics" for 16 years on WOI Public Radio and has commentated for CNN in Spanish, the BBC, and other major international media. Schmidt is author of 11 books, including American Government and Politics Today and most recently Who is You? The Coming Epidemic of Identity Theft (2005). Part of the Technology, Globalization, and Culture series.