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Thursday, 21 Jan 2010

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Holiday Program
4:00 PM – Great Hall, Memorial Union - Musical performances and speakers celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King. Speakers include retired Curriculum and Instruction faculty member Lenola Allen-Sommerville, Government of the Student Body President Jonathan Turk, and Black Student Alliance President Bryan Woodson. The Gospel Soul Innovators will perform. Executive Vice President and Provost Elizabeth Hoffman will present the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Advancing One Community Awards. Birthday cake graciously donated by Campus Dining Services.

Wednesday, 13 Jan 2010

Let Freedom Ring - Carillon Concert
11:50 AM – Central Campus - A carillon concert in honor of Dr. King with Dr. Tin-Shi Tam, carilloneur. Part of the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Series.

Thursday, 3 Dec 2009

Tomorrow's Table: Organic Farming, Genetics & the Future of Food - Pamela Ronald and Raoul Adamchak
7:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Pamela Ronald and Raoul Adamchak are the authors of Tomorrow's Table: Organic Farming, Genetics, and the Future of Food, which discusses the potential combination of biotechnology and sustainable farming methods. Pamela Ronald is a professor in the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of California, Davis. Her laboratory has genetically engineered rice for resistance to diseases and flooding. Raoul Adamchak has grown organic crops for twenty years and has served as an inspector for California Certified Organic Farmers. He now works at the University of California, Davis, as the Market Garden Coordinator at the certified organic farm on campus. Part of the Women in STEM Series. An informal discussion with Pamela Ronald and Raoul Adamchak has been scheduled for 12:00 p.m. in the Gold Room, Memorial Union. Bring your lunch!

Tuesday, 24 Nov 2009

Live Webcast - Celebrating 150 Years of Darwin's THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES: Frontiers of Evolution - E.O. Wilson and Everett Mendelsohn
12:00 PM – E164 Lagomarcino - A live webcast of a panel of scientists led by E. O. Wilson and Everett Mendelsohn will discuss Darwin's legacy and talk about the frontiers of evolutionary and molecular biology as part of the the "150th Anniversary of the Origin of Species" Series hosted by The Reading Odyssey and the Darwin Facebook Project.This lecture is the fourth of five lectures in the fall of 2009 to celebrate Darwin's seminal publication. This is a live webcast being broadcast from Harvard University.

Thursday, 19 Nov 2009

Evolution: Why It Is True and Why It Matters - Panel Discussion
8:00 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - A panel discussion with Drena Dobbs, Professor of Genetics, Development & Cell Biology; Jill Pruetz, Associate Professor of Anthropology; and Justin Rice, graduate student in EEOB. Professor Dobbs compares protein structure/function in different organisms to see what is conserved and what evolves to give new functions. Professor Pruetz is a primatologist studying the behavior of nonhuman primates and is especially interested in the influence of ecology on the feeding, ranging, and social behaviors of primates and early humans. Justin Rice is a graduate student whose work focuses on science education at the undergraduate level, particularly the teaching of biological evolution. Part of the 150th Anniversary Celebration of the publication of Charles Darwin’s The Origin of Species.

Wednesday, 18 Nov 2009

Postville USA: Surviving Diversity in a Small Town - Panel Discussion
7:00 PM – Great Hall, Memorial Union - In May 2008, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement led a raid on the kosher meatpacking plant in Postville, Iowa, a community of 2,000 called home by Orthodox Jews, immigrant workers, and native Iowans alike. The raid resulted in 20 percent of the town's residents being arrested and closure of the plant. It also exposed the disastrous enforcement of immigration policy, the exploitation of Postville by activists, and disturbing questions about the packing house's operators. Coauthors of the recently published Postville USA: Surviving Diversity in a Small Town will share their personal experiences with this community in crisis. They are UNI professor of anthropology and founder of the Iowa Center on Immigrant Leadership and Integration Mark Grey, Michele Devlin, professor of public health at UNI and director of the Iowa Center on Health Disparities, and Aaron Goldsmith, former city councilman of Postville, who received a rabbinical degree from Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim in Klar Chabad, Israel, and is currently president and owner of Transfer Master Products.

Tuesday, 17 Nov 2009

What's New Since 1492? Eugene Fracek
8:00 PM – Multicultural Center, Memorial Union - Eugene Fracek is an enrolled member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe in South Dakota. He served for ten years as Director of Indian Education in the South Dakota Department of Education and is currently the principal of Studebaker Elementary in Des Moines and lecturer in the Department of Social Science, Indians of Americas Program, at Simpson College. A storyteller and a singer, he will discuss current events, economic realities, cultural issues, and other topics related to Native Americans and their cultural legacy. Part of the Celebration of American Indian an Alaskan Native Heritage Month.

Putin's Russia and the Ideology of Glamour - Olga Mesropova
7:30 PM – Sun Room, Memorial Union - Olga Mesropova, associate professor of Russian Studies in the Department of World Languages & Cultures, researches popular culture in the post-Soviet Union, including Russian film, comedy, and popular performance. She is particularly interested in Russian standup comedy from its early days to the post-Perestroika era, focusing on humor and satire under Yeltsin and Putin. Mesropova is the author of the cinema-based textbook, KINOTALK: Cinema for Russian Conversation. She is currently working on a book on Russian standup comics and another on images of women in post-Soviet Russian film and television as well as coediting a collection of essays entitled "Uncensored? Reinventing Humor and Satire in Post-Soviet Russia." Mesropova earned a PhD in philology from Russian State Hertzen University. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Fall Dean's Lecture.

Saturday, 14 Nov 2009

Understanding Islam: The Message of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad - Dr. Sabeel Ahmed
2:00 PM – South Ballroom, Memorial Union - Dr. Sabeel Ahmed is the Director of the GainPeace Project, an outreach project of the Islamic Circle of North America. The Islamic Circle of North America is one of the largest, non-profit, independent, grass roots organizations of Muslim Americans. It has twenty-five chapters and affiliates with the mission to promote understanding of Islam and Muslims. conducts many of those outreach projects in Chicago and other cities, and Dr. Sabeel has given numerous presentations and workshops on dawah, the Arabic word for "outreach." Before working with the GainPeace Project, Dr. Sabeel completed his medical education and worked in that field.

Friday, 13 Nov 2009

Free Markets, Sound Money and Non-Intervention - Ron Paul
7:00 PM – Benton Auditorium, Scheman Building, Iowa State Center - Ron Paul is a physician, eleven-term Republican congressman from Texas, and former presidential candidate. He has devoted his political career to limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. Paul's latest book, End the Fed, challenges the role of the Federal Reserve in American economic policy. His other publications include The Revolution: A Manifesto, Pillars of Prosperity, and A Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship. Ron Paul founded the advocacy group Campaign for Liberty as an extension of his 2008 presidential campaign and the grass roots support it generated. Since there are multiple events scheduled at the Iowa State Center complex, please enter parking lot from Beach Ave. or South 4th St. Traffic attendants will be available to direct guests to the appropriate parking lot.