9MM Beats 9–1–1 Every Time
Tuesday, 11 Apr 2023 at 6:30 pm – 205 Carver
Paige Roux is the host of TPUSA’s weekly show, Reloaded, hosted on TPUSA LIVE. Each week, Paige carefully explains the intricacies of America’s most popular firearms, shares important firearm safety protocols, and even shoots some of her favorite weapons at her own private range. Paige is a Senior Firearms Instructor and Training Coordinator for Shooter’s World in Phoenix, Arizona — one of the largest chains of indoor firing ranges in Arizona!This event is NOT available for extra credit card scanning and no recording will be available.
Stay for the entire event, including the brief question-and-answer session that follows the formal presentation. Most events run 75 minutes.
Sign-ins are after the event concludes. For lectures in the Memorial Union, go to the information desk in the Main Lounge. In other academic buildings, look for signage outside the auditorium.
Lecture Etiquette
- Stay for the entire lecture and the brief audience Q&A. If a student needs to leave early, he or she should sit near the back and exit discreetly.
- Do not bring food or uncovered drinks into the lecture.
- Check with Lectures staff before taking photographs or recording any portion of the event. There are often restrictions. Cell phones, tablets and laptops may be used to take notes or for class assignments.
- Keep questions or comments brief and concise to allow as many as possible.