It's a Different World Out There: Leadership in the States

Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 7:30 pm – WebEx (see below)

2022 Mary Louise Smith Chair

Webex Link:

Former New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez will present “It’s a Different World Out There: Leadership in the States” on Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022, as the 34th recipient of the Mary Louise Smith Chair in Women and Politics.

While states are often referred to as “laboratories of democracy,” Martinez believes that they are increasingly becoming battlefields for the nation’s most intractable and difficult policy fights. In her presentation, Martinez will discuss how state executive leadership must navigate issues such as balancing budgets, overseeing public education, making heath care decisions, competing with other states for jobs and business investment, and responding to natural disasters in today’s political climate.

This event will be recorded. The recording will be posted on the Lectures website at Recordings > Available Recordings for two weeks.