The Importance of Agricultural Production in the Southern Cone of South America: Meat, Grains, and Biofuels
Miguel Carriquiry
Tuesday, 03 Apr 2007 at 5:30 pm – 2050 Agronomy Hall
Miquel Carriquiry, a native of Uruguay, received his PhD from Iowa State in agricultural economics in August 2004. His areas of interest include agricultural economics, environmental and natural resource economics, and statistics. Upon graduating, Carriquiry worked as a postdoctoral research associate for the Iowa State Center for Agricultural and Rural Development in the areas of value-added agriculture and agricultural risk management. He then spent a year working at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society in New York before returning to CARD and joining the Biorenewables Policy Division. Part of the "Semana Criolla 2007," a celebration of the cultures of Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile.Cosponsored By:
- Multicultural Student Programming Advisory Council
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