The Blunt Truth about Medical Marijuana
Christian Thurstone
Monday, 29 Oct 2012 at 7:00 pm – Sun Room, Memorial Union
Dr. Christian Thurstone is a medical director for Substance Abuse Treatment, Education and Prevention at Denver Health and Hospital Authority and an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Colorado Denver. He speaks frequently about the controversial legislation of medical marijuana, with a focus on marijuana use in adolescents and substance abuse prevention. He will discuss his research on the negative impacts the state of Colorado's legislation has had on the communities allowing the use of medicinal marijuana.Dr. Christian Thurstone is one of a handful of researchers who is board-certified in child psychiatry and addiction psychiatry. He completed his medical training at the University of Chicago, Northwestern University and the University of Colorado.
In 2010, he completed five years of mentored research training through the National Institute on Drug Abuse/American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry K12 Research Program in Substance Abuse. He is the medical director of an adolescent substance treatment program and an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Colorado. His federally funded research focuses on developing better treatments for adolescents with substance abuse and on the impact that medical marijuana legalization has on youth.
Dr. Thurstone is a team physician for the Denver Broncos and in June 2012, the United States Congress awarded him another title: U.S. Army Major. He is honored to provide mental health care as part of the 807th Medical Command. In October 2012, Dr. Thurstone was one of 9 people nationwide named an Advocate in Action by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. This award recognizes his research and advocacy of evidence-based prevention that further the president's National Drug Control Strategy
Cosponsored By:
- Drug Free Communities Grant - ONDCP & SAMH
- Health Promotion Club
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Story County Prevention Policy Board
- Youth and Shelter Services
- Committee on Lectures (funded by Student Government)
Stay for the entire event, including the brief question-and-answer session that follows the formal presentation. Most events run 75 minutes.
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